The Standards Development Tracking Chart is a comprehensive tool that monitors the progress of each ANSI/BHMA standard throughout its revision cycle. It serves as a visual representation of the current status of standards, indicating which ones are open for revision and at which specific stage they are in the process. The stages include Revision, Ballot, Precanvass, Canvass, BSR8, BSR9, and the anticipated publication date. This chart is essential for stakeholders to track the development and updates of standards over time.
Additionally, the chart provides valuable information about when a standard is scheduled to be opened for revision. This feature is crucial for ensuring that standards remain current and relevant, addressing the evolving needs of the industry.

To keep up to date with the revision status of every ANSI/BHMA standard, interested parties can visit the Tracking Chart as of January 5, 2024. BHMA® actively welcomes comments and feedback to improve the standards. When the Tracking Chart indicates that the BSR8 has an open due date, it signifies that the standard is available for public comment under the ANSI process. This open feedback mechanism ensures that the standards are developed with a wide range of perspectives and expertise, enhancing their quality and applicability.
To stay updated on the revision status of every ANSI/BHMA standard, you can visit the Tracking Chart as of January 5, 2024.